
Steppsequenzen für Empfänger erstellen

The stepper software is required to transmit step sequences and change channel and box numbers of all Explo receivers with firing channels. The stepper cable (V1 series) or the bootloader cable (X2 series) is used to transfer the data.

Changing the box number and using step sequences generally only makes sense with the V1 series, or with manual ignitions with the X2 series.

The time-synchronized AutoMode  of the X2-Series allows simultaneous ignitions on different speakers and since the ignitions are no longer dependent on the transmission speed of the transmitter radio module, fast step sequences can also be easily implemented in the AutoShow software or in ShowCreator.

V1: Unidirektional
X2: Bidirektional
  • Easily create firing sequences
  • Changing the box and channel numbers of the receivers


RX2-30K in case

RX2-30K in case

Timecode Modem

Timecode Modem

CO2-Jet 230V

CO2-Jet 230V

GX2 12V

GX2 12V

X2 Power Flame

X2 Power Flame

SFX Torch

SFX Torch