
Creating steppsequences for receivers

The Stepper software is needed to transmit steppersequences and change the channel- and boxnumber of all explo receivers featuring ignition channels. To transmit the files, you will either need the Steppercable (V1-series) or the Bootloadercable (X2-series).

Changing the boxnumber or using steppsequences is generally only used with the V1-series, or during manual ignitions on the X2-series.

The time synchronized AutoMode of the X2-series allows multiple simultanious ignitions on different boxes. Since these ignitions are not reliant on the transmission speed of the transmitter, it is possible to create very fast steppsequences in the AutoShow software, or the ShowCreator.

V1: Unidirektional
X2: Bidirektional
  • Simple creation  of igniton sequences
  • Changing box- and channelnumber on the receivers

Current Informations about this product

For a detailed description, as well as frequently asked questions, click the explo Media symbol.

Current software and manual for this product:


RX2-30K in case

RX2-30K in case

Timecode Modem

Timecode Modem

CO2-Jet 230V

CO2-Jet 230V

GX2 12V

GX2 12V

X2 Power Flame

X2 Power Flame

SFX Torch

SFX Torch